Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back To Reality

I finally ventured to the Salt Lake City Library last Friday. It's a fairly new building designed by some renowned architect whose name escapes me presently.

From what I've heard, the library is more renowned as a harbor for bums and a courser assortment of society, than as a place in which one would like to spend copious amounts of time reading. However, I found it to be a truly beautiful space. There's a terrace up on the rooftop with gardens and walkways. The sun was shining for one of the first times in many months and in between gusts of springtime wind I felt the warmth seeping into my bones. For some unknown reason I was alone atop that perch, with only my thoughts and the wise eyes of the mountains surrounding me. From below I could hear the sounds of laughter, and trolley bells, but it all seemed worlds away.

I wish I would have explored sooner the treasures of this place, for I am sure as summer comes more will venture outside to be warmed by the sun. In such a busy world, places of sanctuary are few and far between. I guess that's why living in the moment is so key. Enjoy it now, today, this very second, so that it will live on.

I was feeling atop the world and yet apart from it. All around me daffodils bloomed a warm lemony yellow welcoming a new season and sustaining hope. Perhaps this too could be a new chapter in my life, an awakening of sorts, as sunlight carries courage held dormant by winter's pale.

Continuing to wax poetic I told myself to remember that I am growing stronger by the day and I will not be afraid of what the future holds.

Then, as I was descending from my perch and basking in my new found inner harmony, I noticed that the gods had deemed this the appropriate time to leave me with a nice fat parking ticket. Ah, the price of enlightenment.

I guess I came down harder and sooner than anticipated. The universe always with a sense of humor, likes to keep one on one's toes.

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